
Whoever you are, wherever you are from, you are welcome here.

8:30 & 11:00 Worship Services

Our Traditional Services take place in the Sanctuary.  It features our Chancel Choir and includes the many classic traditions of our church and community. You can expect to hear the wonderful hymns that you grew up on often led on the organ by our Director of Music, Tim Shepard. *Hearing assistance devices are available for this service*

8:45 Celebration Service

Our Praise Service takes place at 8:45am in the Fellowship Hall. You can come as you are and expect a service in a casual atmosphere with modern contemporary music led by worship leader, Dan Toot and the Worship Team. This is a family friendly service.

Childcare is available during this service for children age 3-Kindergarten following the offering at 8:45 worship (apx. 9:15). It is located in the preschool hallway.