Blog of Brevard FUMC

2/27/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

Blessed To Be a Blessing “Most Christians are familiar with the term ‘blessed to be a blessing’. It refers to the fact that God has blessed us, and He desires for us to bless others as well. The actual reference is from the Biblical story of Abraham entering into a...

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2/20/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

Meditations and memories have a lot in common and this meditation  focuses on meditating memories and a fond farewell.  My memories of Brevard FUMC cover years!  They started slowly but grew by leaps and bounds the more I got involved.  (If this doesn't sound like...

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2/13/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness does not overcome it.”  John 1:5 “The Lord formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life…” Genesis 2: 7 I have a crystal that hangs in my kitchen window.  The other day,...

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2/5/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

First things first, God created light.  What a glorious moment that must have been!!  "..and God saw that the light was good."  (Gen:1)  Light is one of the major themes in Epiphany and this is one reason that Epiphany is one of my favorite liturgical seasons.  Light...

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1/30/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

I go to the garden alone, while the dew is fresh on the roses….To be absolutely honest, I have no success with roses. Daddy, Amy, Dan, Jaclyn, etc. have all planted roses for me. Those rose bushes never last longer than a season or two, but I have lots of other...

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1/23/2023 Monday Morning Meditation

Our Church was chartered on July 17, 1873.  In 1873, Ulysses S. Grant was President, we were eight years past the official end of the Civil War.  By no means have we resolved issues of racial justice in our country. We have work to do, justice to bring to the fore. In...

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